When you file an insurance claim, you expect fair treatment by your insurer and prompt resolution of your claim. Unfortunately, it’s not always the case. You may encounter challenges when seeking compensation or settling your claim, which can be frustrating....
Year: 2024
How long do clients have to file a malpractice suit?
Professional malpractice involves the failure of licensed, skilled and highly educated professionals to meet certain standards. Malpractice can occur in a medical setting when a doctor is negligent or fails to follow established best practices. Professionals in a...
Did another driver’s speed contribute to your crash?
If you are injured in a vehicle crash, one thing the police will look at is the speed of the various vehicles involved. If they find the other party was traveling at an inappropriate speed for the conditions, they may decide to prosecute them. Separate from that, you...
Business interruption claims: How is lost income calculated?
Expecting the unexpected is a key part of owning a business. In Florida, events like hurricanes and mandatory evacuations can force businesses to close temporarily. For some, this can mean losing thousands in daily revenue or needing to lay off valued employees in...
What is a dooring accident?
Cyclists face serious injury risks in many different types of car accidents. Many are well aware that they could be struck from behind while cars are passing them, and one of the benefits of a protected bike lane is increasing separation to prevent these types of...
What to understand about your Florida appeal
Many people retain an attorney for their appeal believing that this attorney will have an opportunity to relitigate their client’s defense and obtain a better outcome. But that is not the way that Florida appeals courts work. Below is some important information about...
Can engineers commit malpractice?
When people think of malpractice, they typically associate this kind of professional misconduct with doctors, lawyers and other professionals in very client-facing roles. However, engineers, like many other licensed professionals, can also commit malpractice....
Can an insurance company ignore a large claim?
People rely on insurance when something unexpected goes drastically wrong. Homeowner's insurance, for example, helps pay for expenses after substantial damage to a residence caused by inclement weather or criminal activity. People often don't have enough money set...
Do damage caps affect Florida medical malpractice claims?
Damage caps legally limit the compensation you can recover in a lawsuit. If you suffered harm at the hands of a negligent healthcare provider, understanding how this works can help you when pursuing a medical malpractice claim. First, not all damages are capped....
3 things to remember if someone is tailgating you
Following too close, or tailgating, is one of the most dangerous things a motorist can do. By failing to stay far enough back they do not leave themselves enough time to react to maneuvers by the driver in front. What can you do if you have a driver sitting right on...