An airplane accident is incredibly traumatic, and its aftermath can be just as daunting. Those with severe injuries face lengthy recovery on top of navigating the Florida injury claim process. The questions and answers below can offer those injured in an aircraft...
Personal Injury
Did another driver’s speed contribute to your crash?
If you are injured in a vehicle crash, one thing the police will look at is the speed of the various vehicles involved. If they find the other party was traveling at an inappropriate speed for the conditions, they may decide to prosecute them. Separate from that, you...
What is a dooring accident?
Cyclists face serious injury risks in many different types of car accidents. Many are well aware that they could be struck from behind while cars are passing them, and one of the benefits of a protected bike lane is increasing separation to prevent these types of...
3 things to remember if someone is tailgating you
Following too close, or tailgating, is one of the most dangerous things a motorist can do. By failing to stay far enough back they do not leave themselves enough time to react to maneuvers by the driver in front. What can you do if you have a driver sitting right on...
Why does distraction still lead to so many deaths?
You’ve probably seen the campaigns trying to prevent distracted driving. You may know that the police can fine you if they see you using your phone while driving. And you may have heard distraction mentioned in numerous crashes reported on the TV. But do you...
50% of serious accidents happen at intersections
When you consider road safety, it’s certainly not uniform. Different stretches of highway and different road systems carry various levels of danger. The interstate highway system tends to be relatively safe, for instance, because traffic is divided and moving in the...
How a TBI could affect your career
Returning to work after a traumatic brain injury (TBI) can be difficult. Some people may miss just a few days, while others will need weeks or months. Some may need years, and there are even those who can never return to work at all. It depends on the severity of the...
What are examples of negligent security?
There are certain scenarios in which people expect security to keep them safe. If this doesn’t happen, they could suffer injuries. If this was through a criminal action – such as a robbery gone wrong – then they clearly would blame the person who committed the...
What kind of evidence should you get after a car accident?
You may need to seek damages after an auto accident to help pay for financial difficulties, such as medical debt, repair bills or funeral costs. To help you get a fair compensation offer, it can help to collect evidence from the accident. This evidence could show the...
Signs of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) after a car accident
The type and severity of injuries in a car accident are unique from one case to another. while true, some injuries are more serious than others. One that has some of the most severe consequences is a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Unfortunately, you may not recognize...