When you make an insurance claim, it may be against your own policy, or it could be against the coverage of someone else who hurt you. In either case, the insurance company has a legal obligation to you as a policyholder or as a claimant. You should be able to receive...
Month: October 2021
Professional malpractice: In which industries do most malpractice cases occur?
Professionals in all types of industries have a responsibility to their clients -- especially when those clients rely on them for accurate information and guidance. While “malpractice” is a term that most people associate with the medical profession alone, the reality...
Determining liability when hurt on the way to work
You were driving to work in the morning rush when your worst nightmare became reality. A vehicle in the other lane suddenly merged into you, and you had nowhere to go. As a result, you slammed on your brakes, were struck by the vehicle next to you and were hit from...
Why do insurance companies lowball injury victims?
After getting into a car crash, you needed medical care. You missed days at work and still can’t return in the capacity that you’d like. You decided to make a claim, but what you could not expect was how low of an offer that the other party’s insurance would make...