A person who’s involved in a motor vehicle crash can suffer many injuries. While it’s possible that the injury won’t be major, there are times when a traumatic brain injury can occur. A traumatic brain injury can range from a concussion up to a catastrophic injury.
Traumatic brain injuries can vary considerably, but there are some things that are more common than others. These are three things that anyone who’s been in a crash should remember.
1: No direct hit is needed
Traumatic brain injuries can occur without any direct hit to the head. These happen when the brain slams into the skull because of the violent impact.
2: Symptoms are sometimes delayed
Symptoms of some traumatic brain injuries can be delayed for days or weeks. Because of this, anyone who’s been involved in a crash should ensure they pay close attention for signs of a traumatic brain injury, such as a persistent headache or mood swings.
3: Long-term care might be necessary
Traumatic brain injuries may lead to effects that last a lifetime. These may include medical care for the injury, as well as things like physical or occupational therapy. For some people, returning to work may not be possible because of those effects.
Traumatic brain injuries can lead to costly medical expenses and the need for long-term care. Victims with this type of injury should remember that they can seek compensation from the party whose negligence caused the crash. This is a way they can try to recover the financial damages, but the time to do this is limited by the state’s statute of limitations.