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3 critical questions (and answers) for aviation accident victims

On Behalf of | Jan 14, 2025 | Personal Injury |

An airplane accident is incredibly traumatic, and its aftermath can be just as daunting. Those with severe injuries face lengthy recovery on top of navigating the Florida injury claim process.

The questions and answers below can offer those injured in an aircraft accident clarity about their next steps.

1. Where should injured victims file an insurance claim?

The location where they should file depends on several factors, but in most cases, claims should be filed in the state where the crash occurred.

For example, if a Florida resident is injured in a plane crash in Georgia, they would file their claim where the accident happened. Conversely, if an out-of-state resident suffers injury in a Florida crash, they should file their claim here. 

2. Who is responsible for airplane accident injuries?

Determining responsibility can be complex. Potentially liable parties include the airline, aircraft manufacturers, maintenance providers, and sometimes even government entities responsible for air traffic control. Liability can extend to anyone who negligently contributed to the accident (poor maintenance, pilot error, defective parts, etc.).

Generally, to hold a party or parties liable for plane crash injuries, you must show they failed to meet industry standards in aircraft operation, maintenance or engineering.

3. What damages are available for aircraft accident injuries?

Victims may be entitled to substantial compensation. Examples of potential damages in Florida include:

  • Current and future medical expenses
  • Wage replacement for income lost to the injury
  • Pain and suffering damages for physical and emotional distress
  • Financial support for families of deceased victims
  • Punitive damages in cases of gross negligence

Someone with knowledge of aviation and insurance law can guide you in obtaining the injury compensation you deserve.