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How a TBI could affect your career

On Behalf of | Jun 13, 2024 | Personal Injury |

Returning to work after a traumatic brain injury (TBI) can be difficult. Some people may miss just a few days, while others will need weeks or months. Some may need years, and there are even those who can never return to work at all.

It depends on the severity of the injury and the types of symptoms that it has caused. For example, someone may have an increased sensitivity to noise or light, so they need more rest breaks at work than they ordinarily would – but they can work. Another person may have memory problems, so they need to take more notes or work with a team to ensure that everything gets done, but they can still do their job.

More severe injuries

However, with more severe traumatic brain injuries, symptoms may be significant and persistent.

For example, some people lose abilities that they once had, such as a mathematician losing the ability to do complex equations in their head or a brain surgeon losing their fine motor skills. If those abilities do not return, this type of highly technical career will be impossible moving forward.

Brain injuries can also change a person’s attitude, personality or social skills. Someone who was previously friendly may become angry and irritable. This can have an impact on their business relationships, potentially costing them their career or making advancement more difficult. 

These are all factors to keep in mind when looking into compensation, as the TBI could lead to lost earning capacity or lost earning potential. That financial loss can be accounted for, along with medical bills and other direct costs, as long as the injured party knows what legal steps to take.